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Thought I had a bad clutch master because I was having shifting problems into pretty much all gears. Would make adjustments to the rods at both the clutch master and at the slave and it seemed to fix the issues but then it just came right back. I thought maybe the master was bypassing so I got a new clutch master and bled the system completely and still was having issues. Did a number of adjustments at both the master and slave and even moved the bracket that engages the clutch and moved it a tooth to get more out of it. Good news is that it is smooth shifting now in all gears except downshifting into 3rd it seems to catch and will grind a little. Before the adjustments I was having problems even getting it to shift back into 3rd gear and sometimes 2nd on a downshift. Now the only problem seems to be downshifting into 3rd unless I am at a very slow speed which it is then smooth. Do I now just have a syncro problem and need to open up the transmission. If so has anyone replaced any of the transmission parts? I think you have Kinarfi but not totally sure. I seem to remember a post but couldn't find it on a search. Plus not sure if it is a problem inside the trans or just need to keep fine tuning the adjustments. Appreciate any feedback.


Hey Bruhaw, The first thing I would do is to reinforce the bracket that holds the slave cylinder. It's real wimpy and flexes a lot when you push the clutch in. This uses up a lot of valuable actuation movement. On mine, I ran a threaded rod from the bracket to the firewall. That allowed me to adjust it to where I wanted it to stay. You probably don't have a sync problem.


Lenny and Big Dan. Thanks for the replies. I have the slave reinforced and did that way back. It is solid and is not flexing. Not sure what is going on with the bit of grinding. I hope it is not the syncros. Can't seem to figure it out.

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