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toddlong, I don't know I have not had it out yet. I bought it mostly to get my throttle body out of the mud and I like the look of it on top. I think the best bang for the bucks was the cams that silver bullet was selling.


To get my bed to close I had to cut the braces a little I'm going to weld in new braces. And you can use this air filter K&N R-1390 and it all stays under the bed. But I'm going to snorkel mine out.




I see you have an expanded iron deck cover, mine is a sheet of PVC (stock, now warped by the heat of the exhaust), have you noticed if the dust comes up through the deck and coat what ever is on the deck, such as coolers and the likes, or does the air flow go down and cool the engine.

When I flipped my manifold, I just bolted it to the chrome intake header, had to drill and hold, but it mounted ok. I like the looks of your's better now that you have shown us a photo of it under the deck.

To get my snorkel out, I cut a hole in the plastic piece between the seats and brought out that way, I you have some old, or new, shopvac hose, the clamp on you old rubber tube can be worked on the the shopvac hose and you will have a lot longer hose to work with. I didn't like the sound of the intake so close to my head, so my snorkel opening is close to the top bar of the roll cage, + I have a silencer off of a Ford Ranger that had a K&N filter. If yo'd like a photo or 2, let me know.


  • 1 month later...

Why not put a tdi in this buggy and make it really haul ?it wouldn't cost 2000.00 for a good used one and it would be a truly bad boy my ti gets 50 mpg and hauls my bug over 120mph.


I'm lookin into doing a hybrids engine swap on mine using the stock tranny and converting the wet clutch to a dry clutch. You would have a total of 11 speeds then engine redlines around 10,000 rpm and wieghs less than 200 lbs right now I'm talking to a faricator and getting info from a company how to mate the trannys it's been done in other buggys if the new job goes well could hapen late this winter


Easiest way to do the manifold is just cut of the flange and reverse and weld back up. No drilling, etc required. I flipped mine and I don't think I gained much power but easier to get to starter and the electrical components as then they will all be up top as seen in Plumber's picture. My bed doesn't hit at all with the stock one flipped. Other way to gain power is match port the intake and also the exhaust as they definitely don't match up well.


When I flipped my manifold, I was having a problem with oil settling to the bottom and getting on the MAP sensor, them main reason I did it was so the oil could drain to intake ports and get burned with the gas. I later had to re-ring my motor which has taken care of the oil getting into the manifold, plus I put a catch bottle between the manifold and the vent in the valve cover. I do like the access to the starter and the area underneath and it made it real easy to get at the throttle and run my snorkel tubing, I did drill holes and tried to match and it seems to have sealed just fine. The bed doesn't hit mine either. If you have the equipment to cut straight and weld, it's probably better.


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