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I made my own electric power steering for my Joyner trooper..I bought a steering column out of a 02 satern vue for $80 at a junk yard..then bought a wiring kit off of eBay for another $80. And made the steering arm...the wiring kit even came with a adjustable nob..

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No it works great..just had to make a linkage for the power steering unit to the stock rack and pinion.. the wiring kit from eBay even can with a knob that I mounted on the dash to adjust how much electric assistants you want.... there is some utube videos about it to.. people have put it on hot rods and tractors.. you can put it on anything really.. you just have to adapt it to whatever you put it on.. 

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i haven't really looked down a the rpm gauge to see..it was so low on power that I was more worried about try to milk it up a small hill on the rev limiter in 1st gear..I know it's not much... 4000-5000 max probably..I wish I could up it to about to aleast 6000-7000..

  • 6 months later...

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

What year and model is that it looks sick. I just got 09 trooper t2 1100 turbo on 32" and some custom fabricating. I have almost no room to steer my knees rub the wheel while driving. So power steering and wheel tilt would be ideal. I just don't know what all I will need to install. Any info you have would be awesome. f903989851ef7d3660d4dfb7ec880456.jpg4e3988b4049b3525630749b31d6c371a.jpg11f7057bc6c7c65a6c36eb0bd901c351.jpg

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So I bought the tilt steering kit you suggested but when taking the old column out I found that there is a small amount of adjustment that can be made with the stock one that is on it. And I was able to tilt it up enough that my knees no longer touch the steering wheel. That made my day.

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  • 1 month later...

Planning to add electric power steering to my 09 T4. Looking at YouTube, I have found that some of the EPS columns have remote mounted ECU and only require 3 wire hookup...power, ground and switched ignition. After 10 seconds, EPS will go into fail safe mode and supply good power assist, without the extra wires connected (or the adjustment knob.)
Thinking of trying a Prius or Corolla column...about $50 at the junkyard or $80 on eBay. Tobie1987 has done exactly what I plan to do. Any advice?


I used a calum out of a Saturn vue.. it works great but sometimes the electric motor wants to intermittent and not work..think of trying a different electric motor

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  • 1 year later...
Good to hear banging your knees all day takes the fun out quick.any pics of turbo setup

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Sorry it took so long to reply haven’t used the app much. But I ran into needing a new alternator this weekend and came here for advice. Any other options besides the 170$ from silverbullet


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This setup works great on my T4...

I had been wanting to install power steering on my T4 for years so I went to the salvage yard last weekend and bought a complete column (minus airbag) out of a 2009 Nissan Versa for $125 with the ECU.
It was a fairly simple install. The long shaft that fits to the Joyner steering rack actually fit perfectly into the Nissan column. Had to weld up a U joint on the Nissan column to make it a straight shaft and fab up one simple bracket. Connect power and ground plus a switched 12v and now I can steer with one hand!

What are you using for tuner , if any?

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I’m not sure the guy I bought it from said that it’s safe at 7lb of boost and not to go higher. He was sappose to give me the tuner for it also but I can’t get ahold of him now

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