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New long travel for the 1100 sand viper


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Hi Joyner Gang

New to the Joyner group. I'm making long travel for the 1100 Sand viper. I'm trying to make something that will work as well or even better than the RZR Rino etc. At this time the front has 14" travel rear has 16" of travel. Still developing the suspension. comets are welcome. Ask questions and I will get back to the Forum 











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We now have been running this set up for a while still adjusting the spring rate and shock dampening getting closer. At this time we are at 100LBS primary spring and 100LBS secondary in the front and rear. With this suspension setup you won't spill your cocktail .

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Correction Our first attempt was 100 and 100 springs. We are now using 100 and 175 lb spring  front and rear with a combined spring rate of 65lbs. The front weight is 350LB the rear is 600LB dead lode.

I think going from 100 to 250 (71lb spring rate)  will be a little harsh of a spring rate change. We go from a 100 lb spring to a 175 spring ( 63 spring rate) with a primary  spring stop on the shock.  with the front only weighing 275 with rider per side a nominal spring rate of 50 lbs + is about right.  The shocks we are using have a 12" travel using about 5" compression  for ride height, wheel travel is about 14". Shock dampening is a big part of how the shock will work. Right now we have the shocks set up with very low damping in both directions. we are using a micro cellular bump stop of about 2.5 ".  We don't jump the bug just riding over desert terrain. We still need to do more testing in large bumps. At this time the 12" woops are not a problem. 

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I will call tomorrow after work, trying to get off before 1 with good enough luck. However I’m wondering.... I live in Southern California, and I drive the Mojave Deserts pretty frequently (at least a cruise a day.) every once in a while I like to drive her pretty hard tho. Is there any suspension that’ll make roller sections and dips/washouts similar to a trophy trucks suspension? Straps and all? If so, estimated what would something like that cost me? And around what price range are your Electric Steering and Suspension/long-travel kits. Sorry to ask on the forums. Been a pretty busy morning here at the shop. Private message me if possible with pics and prices or possibly direct me to your website?  BTW I just checked out your pics, the sheet fab is nice man, I just finished mine as well and color matched everything, I was also heading in the direction of adding another foot or so to the length of the frame nothing too custom. Just grinding down the welds to the firewall plate and moving the rear back together as a whole, then just reweld the plate after. Thoughts?  





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On 4/5/2020 at 10:09 AM, WCF said:



Nice biggie  we are at the shop to day if you want to talk about your project. You can call anytime between 9:00 to 6:00 


I’m usually at work 6 days a week from 8 to 8 but hopefully it’ll be changing soon, just need a general price range and I’ll probably just buy then and have shopped if possible 

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