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If it's a gear in the crankcase, then it could be a rev limiter. It's mechanically possible that it could have both. Could you red line the rpm before when it was in neutral? If not then it probably has a rev limiter.


I know I've set the idle at the carb

here's a picture of the set up,IMG_20181208_135910.jpg

that governor arm is supposed to be on front of that stopper.

 according to the manual this is where you adjust the governer.

I might have my friend come over and look at it, he's a little more mechanically minded than me.

The throttle cable hooks  into the hole by the top screw,


I'd try backing it off a half turn at a time, drive it, see what happens. When the results turn negative, I'd see if I could improve it again using the other screw. See if I could get it to level out at what it used to be. But I can almost guarantee that thing wasn't bottomed out from the factory. So I'm hoping that loosening that lower screw will give a desired result. But a word of caution. When playing with this kind of thing, it's extremely important to be able to put it back, just like it was. So I'd carefully count the the turns to the bottom on both, then put it back. Then write it down. In my younger days, I've rendered a working machine, to non working, by not being prepared. Sometimes getting it running again can be a real pia. It doesn't have to be exact, but very close.

But really, it seems like it almost has to be an adjustment. Although like I said, I know nothing about a governor.

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I took it On a half mile round trip today. Had some fuel issues. It would cut out and die, then only idle at choke, and I would keep it choked to a degree and throttle at the same time.. Fresh fuel, filter is old, but new.


If the run time is long enough to use some additive like Berrymans, or Seafoam, you might try that first. Could end up being a cheap fix. Otherwise it sounds like the carb could use a cleaning. Personally, I think that if it went a half mile, that you could get enough treated fuel through it to help. Does it have a fuel pump? Or is it gravity fed? Is it possible that it's not getting enough, or intermittent flow?


It has a fuel pump, it works off of crankcase breather.

 I cleaned the carb when I had it apart.

 But finally it kind of clears its self up and ran good. So I just wonder if there's some trash in the tank or something. I'll have to get some b12, that stuff works wonders. I also ordered a new fuel filter.


Sometimes people think they've cleaned, and /or rebuilt a carburetor, only to find out it didn't take. Those things have tiny little fuel passages that can easily be missed. That's why I suggest you let the fuel do the cleaning, using an additive. Sometimes that isn't possible, but I think it'll work here. Assuming that's the problem. If it's the tank, you could draw some gas through the line, into a glass jar. Look for impurities, also make sure there's good flow. Or it could be the gas cap vent. When the engine is having issues, quickly pop the cap, look for immediate improvement. Verify by driving it awhile with a rag or something stuck in there. No problems, then replace the cap. See what happens, then repeat till you know for sure.

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I'm leaning toward a clog somewhere or something getting clogged,  it's 1/4 mile one way from the house to the barn,  the 2nd time it did it was only after riding for about a minute, but then about the last  half of the 1/4 mile it ran perfect.


Put some B12 in the tank today, and drove it around for about 15-20 minutes, at idle i can definitely tell it's surging at idle,,  Idles high for a few and then  idles back down a little... oh well, I'll see what Berryman can do about it. before i take it off and soak it. lol


and i DEFINITELY  need to clean out the tank again. i filled it up about 1/2 way with diesel, let it soak over night shook it around, emptied it and repeat, i guess that still didnt get it good, i see small specs of rust or something in the fuel filter.


There's several products for rust removal. There's also products to put a coating inside the tank. I would think that between the two, you could get satisfactory results, with a semi permanent fix as well.

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3 hours on the new engine! so far so good!

one question, the oil change is either once a year OR every 50 hours, i wonder if i should change it sooner since it's break in oil?
 I don't know.

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