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This started back in the summer. 

While on a ride with the wife. Applied the foot brake and the pedal went to the floor. Thought the brake pads were gone. Ordered new pads. Removed the wheels to install new pads and they were in good shape.

So I bled all 4 brakes cylinders. Got thin dirty fluid out. Almost like dirty water. No air. Got a good pedal.

Then about a month later, same thing, brake pedal back on the floor. Could pump the pedal and get a little pedal back. Bled again and finally got a good pedal. The fluid was nasty like before. No air. And the fluid was topped off in the reservoir before I started the bleeding process.

Now same thing. Pedal going back to the floor. Reservoir still full. I'm thinking the master cylinder is bypassing. So have a new on on the way and will report back.

What do you guys think. Could it be something else.

I used one of those hand operated vacuum pumps to pull the fluid out of the reservoir when I was bleeding before. First time I've used one. And after a small amount of fluid filled the catch bottle. Seemed like the vacuum pump quit working. Had to close the bleed screw. Pump the brake one time. The start the vacuum thing again.

Again just wondering what you guys think. Using DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluid. Whatever I can get at a reasonable price at parts store.



I agree with you about the master cylinder. The biggest thing for me, though, is ‘why is the fluid getting dirty so quickly’? I’m wondering if the system was contaminated from the beginning and just wore out the seals in the master cylinder. Make sure to collapse all your calipers, and then flush the heck out of the system and hope your calipers survive if there was contamination. 
Good luck. Keep us posted. 
Pop Bob


The nasty fluid during 1st bleeding only. And was OEM fluid. Machine was manufactured Dec 2021 purchased in June 2022.

About 2500 miles at the time I bleed the system. Got about 3500 miles now.

Probably was contaminated from get go. Thanks for suggesting that and the complete flush. Hadn't thought about that or flushing the system. But will now.

I'll keep y'all updated. 

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