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my subaru gave it up, bought a new Predator 670cc

problems is, wiring the buggy to the new motor, OEM key switch has 5 wires (red, green, yellow, black and brown)

new motor has many more wires than the Subaru and i have no idea what goes where!!!

finding any info on the web is almost impossible to do also

any help will be greatly appreciated!

thanks guys



Don,t get in a rush and don't hook color to color just yet. I will find the schematic and try to help you get it wired. I'll get back to you.



Study the following page 19/33. I'll get back to you later this weekend if you have questions. The most important thing you have to check and then doublecheck is your ignition coils. They should never have 12v pos hooked to them.That will fry your coils and could be expensive. Grd is hooked up from the keyswitch and that kills the engine. Again, take your time and I'll check back this weekend Also, don't lose this page because it took me forever to locate it. 


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