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I would like to install a water to air cab heater in my 2500 but cannot see how to tap into the cooling system so the heater will have flow from the engine water pump except when the thermostat is open. Does anybody know if the factory heater has some kind of thermostat adapter that lets hot water circulate through the engine and the cab heater core before the thermostat opens?  Unless I can solve this water flow problem it seem pointless to install a cab heater if it will just have intermittent water flow when the thermostat is open.

I did buy a $66 Mr. Heater MH4GC Golf Cart Propane Heater on Amazon but it is really hard to find a place to install it that will be convenient when two or especially three people are in the seat. Decided it was too much a fire hazard because it would be too close to the riders and if there was a gasoline leak it would likely ignite the fumes.  Also it didn't really put out much heat. So I returned it.

The only other idea I had was doing something with an exhaust heat air to air system like the Volkswagon Bugs were in the 60's but this has many challenges too.

If I could just figure out a suitable water flow path I would be good to go. I do know where there is a Mule 2500 with a factory heater but I won't be back that way to see it 650 miles away until next summer. If anybody has one and could post some photos of the heater water connections to the engine, that would be wonderful.

Many thanks, Mike


Just found this item on line which looks like it will accomplish what I want. It is made by coupersproducts.com http://coupersproducts.com/ice-crusher-maxstat-inline-coolant-bypass-thermostat-for-utv-heaters/

It provides a second inline thermostat that prevents cooling water from flowing anywhere else besides the cab heater until that circuit needs the additional cooling of the radiator. 

Simular product available on Ebay for less money.   https://www.ebay.com/i/162600036184?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=162600036184&targetid=541454199572&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9018805&poi=&campaignid=6470549460&mkgroupid=81274343007&rlsatarget=pla-541454199572&abcId=1139336&merchantid=113792266&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1fOg8Njd5QIVBP_jBx2sJAflEAQYAiABEgJ2ZPD_BwE

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