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Checked cable and shifter linkage. All looks good. No slack or slop. When put in reverse you can hear something internal on the gear case grind the kick out reverse. Has anyone else had this issue and no what parts usually cause this?


Hi new to forum just joined today. My powermax was doing the same but in low gear. I adjusted shifter rod (loosened jam nut and turned rod). Low worked fine but reverse started doing what yours is doing. Adjusted again a bit the opposite way and no issues ever since. That was about 5 years ago. Don’t know if this is your problem but something to try that’s easy. I just counted rotations to know where stock was. Hopefully it’s that easy for you. Good luck. 



When i first got it. I had to adjust the shift rod because of that. Didnt have much issue after that. Then it started back again. Tried to adjust it again with no improvement. Now it will rarely stay in reverse at any time. No matter how Much i adjust the linkage  Think something internal is broken now. 

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