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I did a fairly major overhaul on my HS 700.

Had some issues with bending valves...I believe found the root of the problem. Replaced the timing chain (old one was  stretched 3/4" longer) 

Got everything back together....but had a fairly steady oil leak from the stator cover.  I tightened the bolts as much as I dared, they were all torqued to spec at assembly but  when I noticed the leak I gave the bolts on either side of the leak an extra bit of tightening to try and get the leak to stop but no luck.  

Had a bit of a brain wave and did some googling, seems like a few other folks had  a similar idea. I cleaned the area with brake clean and ran a bead of crazy glue down the crack. Let it soak in and dry and did a second round. Let it dry and fired it up, voila...no more leak.

Will see how this holds up but it saved me having to rip it all apart again , hopefully this helps someone else. 




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