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I have a 2018 cub cadet challenger 750 with a broke chinese hisun motor and I know that I'm not alone! Almost all the places that were selling them in Colorado don't anymore due to the return for repairs on the clutches and broken timing chains! Don't have yours fixed because it will happen again! They just replace the broken parts with more junk chinese parts! I talked with a UTV mechanic that has replaced one person's clutch 4 times! I have people contacting cub cadet about these problems and also looking into complete motor replacement from hisun junk to a Japanese motor in which the chinese cloned their junk from.


you are preaching to the choir dude.. Hisun is as poor as it gets for quality. Massimo rep told me they stopped using HISUN and went to Linhai Motors because HISUN is pure junk ...I spent a lot of time and money keeping mine running.. I am told that a Yamaha Motor will interchange.. thats my next move 


I talked to an ATV / UTV engine rebuilding company rep.. He says the RHINO  engine will bolt right up to my Massimo.. Right now mine is running well, after a lot of work , money and some quality Yamaha parts . But when it goes down again, Its getting a YAMAHA transplant 



Which ATV/UTV rebuild company did you talk with? Rhinos are getting hard to find. Which Yamaha motor are you looking at? The 660 is the one they used for cloning the 750 in my challenger.




Dont recall  the name of it.. I just Googled  UTV engine rebuilders ..Picked one,  I emailed the Owner.. he said he was 99% sure one of his YAMAHA  rebuilts would bolt up where my HISUN is now.. The Hisun is a Yamaha CLONE..  .. He also said it for any reason it did not, he would take it back.. He also had free shipping .. If mine fails again, I will likely go that route . Currently mine is still running 

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  • 2 months later...

Well I have definitely got the same problem bought it brand new a 2018 cub cadet challenger 750 and have had it 2 years now haven’t been able to ride it more then a couple weeks at the time only 200 hours in and has a new timing chain tensioner all new clutches wet primary and secondary new belt new weights new spring new water pump new exhaust and it still over heats after 5 minutes of running 

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I talked with the rep for the company that I purchased mine one 2018 and he went to the top dogs at cub and they said no warranty on the hisun junk and they quit carrying them. 
It will take a class action lawsuit in order to get cub to do anything!

They motor is a clone of the 700 Yamaha,  so I’m having one rebuilt and will post on the exchange when I get it to install. 


I know, Massimo said same thing..HISUN is junk, no warrenty, and they switched to Linhai motors  .. currently mine is running well but it has Rhino parts mixed in now... Let us know how the Yamaha swap goes.  Thats my plan when this HISUN croaks again 


I’ve done a lot of research on this swap and a good buddy of mine is an awesome ATV/UTV mechanic which gave me a lot of good info. hisun 750 (735cc) 38.22 HP Yamaha 700 (686cc) 50HP

That in its self is worth it!

  • Like 1

When I was fighting with mine, I checked with a national UTV Engine builder.. He said 99% sure Yamaha Rhino engine  would bolt right up in mine.. he even said he would ship it free to me, refund it if not fit . just pay return freight ..

  • 7 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Well I finally got back to work on my junk hisun Challenger 750 UTV. I purchased what I thought and asked for a fuel injected 660 Yamaha motor out of a rhino or grizzly. The salvage place said they had one and would have it rebuilt for me. (the only way they sell their motors) The problem is hisun cloned the 660 Yamaha increased the bore & stroke to 102mm x 90mm from 100mm x 84mm. Identical motors, but the Yamaha was never fuel injected I found out when I went to install it. The place I purchased the motor said it was, I requested that it be a fuel injected motor and again the salesman had said it was. The 660 Yamaha was produced from '02-'08 but only with a carburetor. So no crank position sensor for fuel injection to work.   

So now I've tore apart the hisun junk motor and found that the cam/timing chain had come off the gears. It either stretched or the tensioner failed. The piston hit both exhaust valves and bent them. Dropped the head of at the machine shop yesterday for new valves and clean it up having them check the three intake valves plus all the spring pressures. The replacement vales and springs will be Yamaha as needed. The cam/timing and tensioner will be replaced with Yamaha parts as well. The piston and bore looks good with only two little nicks where valves hit.

The Motorcycle Doctor in Florida is a hisun junk dealer and has parts for sale on eBay or direct at 573-346-6867 or motorcycledoctor.com. I would suggest taking the time and use Yamaha parts when you can.

As you can see from pictures below the hisun has a different intake port compared to the Yamaha 660. That's what got me started into checking out the 660 motor not being fuel injected.

I get the head back in a 1.5 weeks, timing chain and tensioner is ordered, then I'll put it all back together and do another post.

Also if anyone needs a rebuilt Yamaha 660 for a rhino or grizzly '02-'08 let me know $2,750.00 shipping included.






  • Like 1
  • 3 months later...
On 9/28/2021 at 9:21 AM, hisun junk said:

I talked with the rep for the company that I purchased mine one 2018 and he went to the top dogs at cub and they said no warranty on the hisun junk and they quit carrying them. 
It will take a class action lawsuit in order to get cub to do anything!

They motor is a clone of the 700 Yamaha,  so I’m having one rebuilt and will post on the exchange when I get it to install. 

I only had mine 12 days before the motor blew and they refuse to fix it. I will need to find a new motor and don’t want to mess with a hisun motor as they are obviously a waste of money(they want $7k to replace). any advice on where to find parts or what is interchangeable would be much appreciated.  

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Joe Breaux said:

Been there ,done that. Lol 2017 MSU 500. Massimo told to pound sand. Total junk...HISUN makes good boat anchors

Massimo apparently has used engines with different names. Mine is a Bennche. Is the Hisun a new or old name?


HISUN is old . Massimo and several others have used their engines . Massimo told me they stopped using HISUN in 2018 because of massive warrenty claims.. They went to Linhai engines.. But they refused warrenty claims on HISUN, told me to contact HISUN in China.. I did...and  they laughed at me . I recorded the call... 

1 hour ago, MitchSpence said:

Crazy. I dont know how you stay in business by dumping on people.🙁

Oh they were nasty about it on the phone.. Isaid I wanted it repaired under my warranty , where do I take it and he said.. That aint gonna happen!  He said all  HISUN warranty is voided !  You must pay for it!....tough luck!.. I said I might sue, he said..go ahead ,you certainly wont be the first!   All repair shops in my state refuse to work on them except 2 and only if and unless you pay cash up front anf no warranty on parts ..   I spent the last couple years telling everyone about them too ..Mine is now a hybrid of Hisun and Yamaha parts

  • Like 1
30 minutes ago, Joe Breaux said:

Oh they were nasty about it on the phone.. Isaid I wanted it repaired under my warranty , where do I take it and he said.. That aint gonna happen!  He said all  HISUN warranty is voided !  You must pay for it!....tough luck!.. I said I might sue, he said..go ahead ,you certainly wont be the first!   All repair shops in my state refuse to work on them except 2 and only if and unless you pay cash up front anf no warranty on parts ..   I spent the last couple years telling everyone about them too ..Mine is now a hybrid of Hisun and Yamaha parts. 

I hear you. I went round and around with them on my chugging Massimo 400 Buck. I finally gave up.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Yup I agree they suck big bags of yeah, repaired timing chain and cam well replaced with Yamaha 660 raptor parts including all five valves, new Yamaha piston, (can't use 660 cylinder as hisun has longer stroke) got the china junk all back together, idled high for a while, but did finally idle down and run smoothly. Drove it mellow a few times, maybe 20 miles total. It really felt a lot quicker than last Massimo 700 I rode, maybe a different cam profile? Idk. So last ride I back out of shop put it in drive and it makes a horrible gear grind clash bam and don't move. @$#& bleep fluffing bleep. Trans is now junk, so I look at drive shaft it is sort flexing up and down but not turning, I get back in put in 4 wheel drive and drive back into shop in now front wheel drive and park it. I worked on a rhino 660 and it was some different some same. Has anyone here done that swap and just left carb on the motor?

The above is a 2014 hisun 750 pos

Edited by cliffno350
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