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I have a 2017 500 Massimo that is weak like will not spin a tire in a good mud hole. Does anyone know how to boost power. A friend told me of a chip to bypass emissions.  Has anyone tried the chip or have a suggestion.  Thanks in advance. 

  • Alex changed the title to 2017 Massimo 500 Low Power

To be honest I don't know.  I have never had it wide open. I just drive around like a grand paw.  I will try it tomorrow and get back with you. Thanks for your time.


I bought it new Feb of 2018 at Tractor Supply... had nothing but problems for two years.. no help from Massimo, or TS, no honoring warranty for multiple repairs. All out of pocket.  Finally have it running well now.. No chip. stock.. But it tears up mud holes down here in the swamp.. If you live in hot climate, I suggest running cooling fan 100% in hot weather. Bypass the Thermoswitch.. on factory settings mine ran 245* and burned a head and two head gaskets .. I installed an adjustable switch for fan, keeps engine 160* now . No more boil overs and airlocked pump failures ......just a thought.. There is a rev limiter just  in reverse, could it be malfunctioning  in low gear ?


I got mine at ts in 2017. It has always been sluggish.  And I cant tell a big difference in high or low gears as far as speed or pull. I will check on the things you suggested. Thanks for the info. 

I have a friend that has a friend that has the same make and model as mine with the same problem. He installed a chip to bypass emissions and said it was like day and night difference.  Just wondering if anyone else has installed the chip.


maybe yours is not engaging LOW GEAR... theres is a huge difference between Low and High.. look at your RPMs in each position.. LOW in mine will only go about 18-20mph in low revved out  .... 42-45 mph in high 


hope I helped.. good luck. Let us know what happens  so the next guy can be helped ... I really think it could be that its not actually going into LOW gear, because it should spin the hell out of all 4 wheels in mud. 

On 8/3/2021 at 12:46 PM, Joe Breaux said:

hope I helped.. good luck. Let us know what happens  so the next guy can be helped ... I really think it could be that its not actually going into LOW gear, because it should spin the hell out of all 4 wheels in mud. 

Something else to throw out there, when you put it in neutral and hit the gas, does it still move?  Would be another indicator that the shifting is not working correctly.

On 7/31/2021 at 3:10 PM, Joe Breaux said:

I bought it new Feb of 2018 at Tractor Supply... had nothing but problems for two years.. no help from Massimo, or TS, no honoring warranty for multiple repairs. All out of pocket.  Finally have it running well now.. No chip. stock.. But it tears up mud holes down here in the swamp.. If you live in hot climate, I suggest running cooling fan 100% in hot weather. Bypass the Thermoswitch.. on factory settings mine ran 245* and burned a head and two head gaskets .. I installed an adjustable switch for fan, keeps engine 160* now . No more boil overs and airlocked pump failures ......just a thought.. There is a rev limiter just  in reverse, could it be malfunctioning  in low gear ?

I  would like to hear more about this fan business. My M400 Buck is throwing off more heat than normal.


Massimo factory settings for on/off cooling fan are very high... engine runs very hot at low speeds in low gear in mud etc..   Mine  ran 245* with no thermostat and torched 2 head gaskets and a head.. it literally boils the coolant til gasket fails, exhaust gas gets in coolant, airlocks waterpump. Engine cooks!.....By running fan 100% in hot weather it stays about 160*. Simply bypass the thermoswitch on passenger side of radiator. Fan runs when engine is on ..  It eliminated my overheating .. I know many others doing the same thing.. 

On 7/31/2021 at 3:10 PM, Joe Breaux said:

I bought it new Feb of 2018 at Tractor Supply... had nothing but problems for two years.. no help from Massimo, or TS, no honoring warranty for multiple repairs. All out of pocket.  Finally have it running well now.. No chip. stock.. But it tears up mud holes down here in the swamp.. If you live in hot climate, I suggest running cooling fan 100% in hot weather. Bypass the Thermoswitch.. on factory settings mine ran 245* and burned a head and two head gaskets .. I installed an adjustable switch for fan, keeps engine 160* now . No more boil overs and airlocked pump failures ......just a thought.. There is a rev limiter just  in reverse, could it be malfunctioning  in low gear ?

I  would like to hear more about this fan business. My M400 Buck is throwing off more heat than normal.

  • 3 weeks later...

i have a massimo a few years old that seems to be getting oil in the coolant  i took on trade dont know alot about it /THEM where can i find service or parts for it? any one?

8 hours ago, Joe Breaux said:

Its most likely a blown head gasket.. very common on Massimo s .. mine did it twice!. You can find some parts online but it takes awhile to get . As for SERVICE...thats a problem.. Most ATV/UTV shops wont touch them. 

Didn't a Yamaha Head gasket fit?


yep, the second time we used a Yamaha gasket with a new head.. and waterpump .  the OEM head cracked from the extreme heat  it was running.. Fan would engage at 245* .......and the sensor was on the return side of Radiator..so imagine how hot the hot side was.   AND THAT WAS WITH NO THERMOSTAT!!    STOP THAT HEAT, your engine lives 

  • 1 year later...

This may not be the same issue as sluggish but mine seems to almost chug at initial movement and feels like a gear issue. Does anyone else have that problem with these or is it like that from the factory? 

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