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tw450-ans.thumb.jpeg.0d9d1c7bae7fd3ba880021c56c41c81c.jpegWe just bought a used 2017 American Landmaster TW450. No hour meter that I can find, so not sure exactly how much it has been used. 

The first 2 days we had it, the starter was a little sketchy, but it started after 2-3 tries. Sometimes when turning the key, we would hear a loud metal "clink" sound. Like the starter made contact, but didn't have enough power to turn. 

THIS MORNING... Turning the key, we hear a single click sound. That's it. Even with a new battery, the starter is still doing the same thing. Both batteries (old and new) were reading 12.8 volts on volt meter. So I'm wondering what else could be going on? Any ideas on what to look for would be greatly appreciated...

Thank you!


Starter solenoid is bad most likely.

There are 2 common starting set ups used,

you either have a starter and solenoid piggy back like this.

?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.w-ItfvyPoZ-ZjfDfVNGcrAHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1Denso® 280-5159 - Remanufactured StarterOr you have a set up similar to this

with a starter motor  with  a remote solenoid. 

?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.dsvtBS8b0X9kPi_SwLFR0wHaHZ%26pid%3DApi&f=1   ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.7yoawHilMqxF3-UgC-ZK-QHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1



Well, it's starting fine now! Even in colder fall weather. But I think I'm going to buy a new solenoid if we ever have starting issues again.

New question...

We have an awful noise under the UTV. It sounds like some metal parts are loose! Runs fine but sounds awful. Is this normal belt/clutch noise on Landmaster UTV's? Or do I need to start taking it apart?

  • 4 weeks later...

Well, the UTV won't start again.

The battery is fully charged. But all we get is a loud "clink" sound when attempting to start with the key. The pull-start works fine. Do y'all know where I can buy a Starter and Solenoid? It looks like my 2018 Landmaster 450 2WD has the starter and solenoid as 2 separate parts.

But the American Landmaster website looks like they are "Out of Stock" with what I need. Any other aftermarket websites where I can find the parts I need?



Man... I don't know. Now that I look at the image again... looks like my starter and solenoid might be all ONE PART.

But again, does anyone know of any other aftermarket parts websites where I can find this part for my 2018 Landmaster 450 2WD??


Mine will some times click like it's as solenoid going out, but if i pull the rope starter just enough to move the piston a little it will start with the electric start. Now my issue is it is not getting fuel . I haven't figured out why yet.



Mine isn't turning the starter no matter how much I play with it. Another interesting thing is the pull start is WAY harder to pull. Like the compression has gotten stronger! Is that possible?

And maybe that's why the starter wont turn? Too much compression? Too much resistence?



What engine is in it. Thats what you need to find the starter. Post back and Ill see what I can find. I have a 700 with the twin engine. They wanted over 300 for a stock starter and I found one for 65.

4 hours ago, Andrew Wells said:

According to the parts diagram, my motor is the Kohler CH440. I ordered a starter/solenoid combo. I'll install it today...

Hope you found the replacement for 52.95. They will generally work just as good as the oem part.  From your description of being high on compression even with the hand crank starter, I would have the valves adjusted. This controls compression release when cranking.


I attempted replacing the starter today. (It was $53 on eBay)

I kept taking off different parts and finally gave up. I could not find the 2 screws/bolts that holds the starter in place. So my next question is...

Do y'all have any links to threads or videos that can help me find the right way to replace the starter??

9 hours ago, Andrew Wells said:

According to the parts diagram, my motor is the Kohler CH440. I ordered a starter/solenoid combo. I'll install it today...

Hope you found the replacement for 52.95. They will generally work just as good as the oem part.  From your description of being high on compression even with the hand crank starter, I would have the valves adjusted. This controls compression release when cranking.

Posted (edited)

The above video should help you out even tho this shows a vertical engine . Pretty much the same on a horizontal. Remember to adjust the valves or you will be buying another starter soon. Sounds like you should not attempt the valve adj. Take it to a Kohler dealer or a reputable independent.

Let us know how you make out.

Edited by W B
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This is what I bought. Looks like, in order to get to the screws that hold this starter in place, I need to remove the shroud that covers the flywheel. Anybody got any advice on the best way to do this? 



It's quite possible that you need to remove the schroud.On mine, I have to remove the engine in order to remove the shroud. I have a different brand and hp engine so I can't say, but if you need to get in there too reach those two bolts that is what it will require. I won't repeat what I said when I first found that out and I have turned a lot of wrenches.

I'lltell you what I did after reinstalling everything but I in no way suggesting you do this. It should be a choice you make on your own.

I cut the shroud in half horizontally where iboth halves would still have bolt supports, then i drill a couple of holes along the cut and used ty wraps to hold it together. Bodda boom bodda bang! Fixed for future removals. just remove bottom half without pulling engine.


After looking at a parts list, I have to tell you that you may not be able to cut the shroud in half because you have a hand crank. Mine is only elec start with no hand crank. Yes that starter and the one on  amazon look alike.  This is mechanics. you take off as many parts as are required.  It looks like you will perhaps have some more brackets and or sheet metal to remove. I would start with the hand crank. Tere are probably 4 scews on the face of it. remove those and it will pop out set aside and look at the remaining schroud. the bolts should be around the perimeter. see if you notice any brkts that would prevent it from sliding off the engine. perhaps there is a pc of sht metal covering the starter. Take your time and analize it. Should be able to figure it out. Take pics so you can put it back together. We'll get you thru it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Sure wish individuals with a problem would let us know the outcome aftwer offering help. Once they are up and running they forget abouit the forum until something else brteaks. Just venting.


Unbolt the front shroud and pull it off. You should be able to get to those starter holes. You may need to partially pull the engine to accomplish this. Should be just 4 bolts and lift up with chain hoist or engine crane. I took mine out but didn't really need to. Once yo get it off, I would think about cutting that portion of the shroud back for future removal of the starter w/o problem.


On my Kohler CH440 There are only 4 or 5 screws holding the shroud in place, covering the flywheel, starter, and all that. But the air intake has to come off and several other parts look like they need to get out of the way before I can actually remove the shroud to where I can see the starter. I will consider cutting the shroud whenever I'm done if it will let me get to the starter without having to remove all these other parts. I'll post an update whenever I get all this done. Thanks for all the info/advice!

  • 2 months later...


Did you ever get your starter installed? Your best bet  is to remove bottom bolts and pull the engine out, then it will be easy to replace starter. just watch your wires when reinstalling engine. Hell, I've gotten to where I can pull my engine in 15 minutes alone and I've got the twin cyl. subaru.

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